Andrew Hazewinkel

Contemporary Art

Australian Sculpture and Photography

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Andrew Hazewinkel
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Ghost Sensations / Machine Dreams : 2021 - 2023
A series of 10 gelatin silver darkroom prints on fibre-based paper
Also produced as a series of 10 inkjet prints on archival art paper

1: Ghost Sensations/Machine Dreams 1 (Roman Agora A)
2: Ghost Sensations/Machine Dreams 2 (Roman Agora B)
3: Ghost Sensations/Machine Dreams 3 (Propylaea and Temple of Athena Nike A)
4: Ghost Sensations/Machine Dreams 4 (Propylaea and Temple of Athena Nike B)
5: Ghost Sensations/Machine Dreams 5 (Acropolis of Athens A)
6: Ghost Sensations/Machine Dreams 6 (Acropolis of Athens B)
7: Ghost Sensations/Machine Dreams 7 (Temple of Olympian Zeus A)
8: Ghost Sensations/Machine Dreams 8 (Temple of Olympian Zeus B)
9: Ghost Sensations/Machine Dreams 9 (Arch of Hadrian A)
10: Ghost Sensations/Machine Dreams 10 (Arch of Hadrian B)

gelatin silver edition
38 x 37.5 cm
Ed 5 + 1 AP

inkjet edition
100 x 100 cm
Ed 5 + 1 AP




Athens teems with monumental ghosts and tourists. These multiple exposure images were captured on medium format film in the hour before sunrise during the period of curfews and lockdowns associated with the coronavrus pandemic. At that time the qualities of the air and the light noticeably changed making the sunrise over the stoic monumental ghosts seem slower, longer, and tonally more subtle.

The images above represent the gelatin silver edition. The first of the following images represents the entire injket edition individually framed and installed in a strip format measuring 1000 x 100 cm. Following that are details of the gelatin silver edition.